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The Comfort Music Series Presents Fonema Consort's Amphitheater

  • Comfort Station 2579 North Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, IL, 60647 United States (map)

A program that takes the performer out of her comfort zone is brought to the Comfort Music Series at Logan Square to kick off Fonema Consort’s 2013-14 season. The Comfort Station will become an intimate, modern amphitheater to witness some of the finest dramaturgia in music today. In solo works by James Bean and Stratis Minakakis, the performer’s need to express battles the limitations of the lungs; like Minakakis' AGGELOI III, Hector Parra's Mort d'Antigone revives the timelessness of Greek drama; the primitive rites of ancient times may resound in the raw soundworld of James Dillon's A Roaring Flame and Giacinto Scelsi's Ko-Loh.

Fonema Consort's breathlessly frantic set will be followed by the mellow and atmospheric music of Chicago's Weatherman band (

Fonema's season opening concert is free of charge- donations suggested by Comfort Station. James BeanThis Will Rub Against My Grid II A for solo alto flute James Dillon, A Roaring Flame, for soprano and double bass Stratis MinakakisAGGELOI III for solo female voice Hector Parra, Mort d’Antigone, for mezzo-soprano and clarinet Giacinto Scelsi, Ko-Lho, for flute and clarinet Shawn Lucas, new work for two sopranos, flute, and double bass *WORLD PREMIERE